Digital FBI Background Check Apostille

Did you receive your FBI background check by e-mail and need an apostille?

In early 2015, The U.S. Department of State began to accept digital background checks issued by the FBI.  Originally, only hard-copies printed on special tamper resistant paper were acceptable.  This change allowed individuals who were short on time or who were outside of the country the ability to obtain their background check through a digital format in just a few days.

In our opinion, the best method to obtain your FBI background check is through an FBI channeler.  An FBI channeler can answer your questions quickly and provide you step-by-step instructions including sending you a fingerprint card.  You can also request a hard-copy of your FBI background check as well as a digital copy.  If you are short on time, unable to receive mail, or if you are outside of the country (USA), we recommend that you inform the FBI channeler to email you a digital copy.

Please note that every channeler will have their own special way of allowing you to download your FBI background check.  The best method is to obtain your background check in a PDF format and forward this copy to our office for processing.  In most cases, the PDF will have a secure password.  Be sure to also email us the security code so we can open the PDF and print out your background check.

Here is a short video that explains the process:

You can find a list of the most current and up-to-date list of FBI channelers listed here: